How to set up datum position on Ecoline
Gareth Green | Dernière modification 26/11/2020 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
How to set up datum position on Ecoline
datum, mitreoffset
When an Ecoline is commissioned, the positional accuracy needs to be set up.
These are also useful tests to check if the machine is maintaining positional accuracy
...ALWAYS make sure you have consistent, repeatable results before making any parameter changes
Étape 1 - Prepare Square End Profile
Cut 3 lengths of outerframe around 1000mm long
...Make sure the gripper end of the profile has a clean edge - ie no swarf and profile tape is not "flapping" over the end
Étape 2 - Run Datum Tests on Square-end profile
Run 3 tests on the same piece spaced apart by 20mm. Make sure the machine is reinitialised and redatums between each run.
This allows you to see if the position of the holes drifts along the bar
Aim to place the holes at least 400mm in from the bar end
See WinMulti - Datum Test for full instructions
End goal is to produce repeatable datum holes at the correct position from the end of the bar
...The position needs to be consistent and repeatable before you can proceed to next step
...If the datum position is not consistent, check laser beam cleanliness and laser focus
See Training Laser on Ecoline
Étape 3 - Check Gripper positions in Flowops Database
All gripper positions should be greater than 20 and less than 55
Étape 4 - Choose 3 test profiles with different gripper positions
Usually -
A - Slim Outer frame
B - Large Outer Frame
C - Door Profile
Cut \ / pieces around 1000mm
...Make sure the gripper end of the profile has a clean edge - ie no swarf and profile tape is not "flapping" over the end
Étape 5 - Run datum tests on all 3 profiles
...Do not attempt this if the square end datum positions are not consistent
Run the test at the same position on all 3 profiles
Étape 6 - Check X position is the same on all 3 profiles
If the position is varying, this highlights a gripping / measuring problem
- Laser focus and alignment
- G axis Datum position
- Y axis datum position
- Speed of infeed pull is steady and slow
- Gripper slipping (blunt)
...The position needs to be identical before you can proceed to next step
Étape 7 - Adjust Offset Parameter for mitres
The position can be adjusted with the parameter
After adjustment, run the tests again
...Only make an adjustment if you have consistent, repeatable results
Étape 8 - Run Datum Tests on Arrow head End Profile
Run the tests again with arrowhead end on the test pieces.
If the position is different to the square-end, the position can be adjusted with the parameter
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